
Kubewarden 1.14 release

Author: Jose Guilherme Vanz



Kubewarden v1.14.0 release

We are thrilled to announce the release of Kubewarden v1.14.0! This version comes packed with new capabilities, enhancements, and fixes that make Kubewarden even more robust and user-friendly.

New Host Capability for Container Image Configuration

One of the significant updates in this release is the introduction of a new host capability that allows policies to fetch the container image configuration. This update stems from a user request to enhance the user-group-psp-policy policy by enabling it to check the user defined to run the container in the image configuration. Previously, this information was not accessible through the available host capabilities, as it was not included in the image manifest. Thanks to the functionality provided by the oci-distribution crate, which already has a method to fetch this information, we were able to extend our policy evaluator and SDKs to expose this capability.

New CEL Policy on Artifact Hub

Recently we’ve released our new meta-policy policy that allows to run CEL expressions against Kubernetes resources. It’s now available on Artifact Hub. For more insights into this policy and its applications, refer to our recent blog post.

Introducing “kwctl scaffold vap” Command

With Kubernetes v1.26, the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy (VAP) was introduced, providing a way to write custom admission policies using the Common Expression Language (CEL), extended with Kubernetes-specific functionalities. This feature reached stability in Kubernetes v1.30.

Kubewarden now offers a CEL policy capable of running Kubernetes VAP policies without any modifications. The new kwctl scaffold vap command simplifies the migration of VAP policies to Kubewarden, enabling users to leverage the benefits of running these policies within the Kubewarden framework. For a detailed guide on how to use this new feature, check out this section of our documentation.

Policy Fixes

In this release, we have addressed two issues in our existing policies:

  1. Environment Variable Policy: Previously, variables with values were not blocked if only the name was specified in the settings. We have updated the validation code to ensure that the policy will validate the names even when the user does not define the envvar value in the rule. The problem was describe in depth by this issue.

  2. Container Resources Policy: Users faced issues when trying to create policies with only CPU settings empty memory values. The policy settings were sent with empty values, causing validation errors. We have fixed this by allowing a single resource setting to be empty, resolving the issue without breaking policy usage. The problem was describe in depth by this issue.

Best Practices: Domain-Qualified Finalizers

The Kubewarden controller now follows best practices by using domain-qualified finalizers. Users must be aware that if they downgrade a Kubewarden installation, the old controller will not be able to identify the new finalizer. Leaving the cluster in a state where the resource could not be removed and therefore requiring manual intervention.

NOTE: Downgrade procedures are not supported by Kubewarden project. See the documentation to learn more about that.

KCD Italy: CEL for Cluster Security

One of the Kubewarden maintainers, Flavio Castelli, delivered an insightful talk at KCD Italy on “How to leverage and extend CEL for your cluster security.” He explored the capabilities and trade-offs of the CEL-based admission controller introduced in Kubernetes 1.28 and discussed how to use CEL with other dynamic admission controllers. This talk highlighted the practical applications and advantages of using CEL for cluster security.

While the talk has been delivered in Italian, the slides are written in English and can be found here.

Known Bugs and Future Plans

During the release process, we identified a bug related to the policy server certificate rotation. While the Root CA is set to expire in 10 years, each policy-server cert secret has a one-year expiry. But the controller is currently unable to renew them automatically. In this release, we will ensure that policy-server secrets are created with a 10-year expiry. And in future releases we plan to properly implement an automated renewal process. For now, users can manually delete the expired cert secret (policy-server-default) and trigger the controller reconciliation by adding/removing/updating a policy or by adjusting the number of replicas of a PolicyServer.

Let’s stay in touch!

As always, we are curious about what features you would like next and how you are enjoying Kubewarden. Reach out on Slack or join our monthly community meeting to talk all things Kubewarden.